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01299 896837

Getting here

Clows Top Mission Room dates from 1895. It was built partly, as the brass plaque records, as a memorial to the Rev. John Cawood, and partly to provide a place for Anglican worship in the village, It was erected by local subscription ­ 147 people gave donations, ranging from £10 from Squire Wickstead of Shakenhurst to 3d from humbler parishioners. Because it was designated a "mission room" functions such as meetings, concerts and even tea parties were permitted, the altar being discreetly curtained off.

Many of the "furnishings" have been gifts from parishioners over the years. These include the altar and altar curtains and frontal, altar­rest, candle­lighter and snuffer, missal markers, hassocks, the hymn­board and the New English Bible.

The brass correna suspended over the sanctuary was presented by the Rev. F.A.Reiss, a former Rector of Rock, and the lectern was embellished with a fine piece of carving by Florence Hannah Mole, who lived 100 yards down the lane at Yew Tree Farm, and who ran the Sunday School in the l92Os and 3Os. The 1895 organ still accompanies the singing at our services, and the chapel bell, hung in 1897, continues to call us to worship.

With its warm wood­panelling, simple furniture, bright curtains, pictures and brass, the chapel is attractive and "homely" without being spectacular, What is undoubtedly spectacular is the view from the chapel. Stand by the door, under the oak tree planted to commemorate the Jubilee of King George V in 1935, and look to the West. The sweeping vista down to Bayton, with the mother church nestling in the middle distance, and then up to the Clee Hills and beyond, is truly inspiring: "I will lift up mine eyes to the hills."

Clows Top
DY14 9HG

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