St Anne's Community Hub for Bewdley - take a look at events in St Anne's and read about our plans

Imagine the building exterior repaired and cleaned. Imagine the inside - Bewdley's biggest indoor space - huge, warm, welcoming and offering a wide range of community activities. That is the vision of what the church community wants to achieve with  St Anne's. 

There's a lot that has and is being achieved in the building, but we are about to embark on something big and exciting.  Come along to St Anne's on the 9th July at either 3.00pm or 7.30pm to share your ideas of what you want to see happen in the building....

And check out the attached items showing the challenges we face, the opportunities we have and a bit more about the background to the project.

Community hub consultation, PDF


The opportunities, PDF


Challenges of the exterior, PDF


Community Hub Backround, PDF
