St Anne's Makeover & Community Hub - take a look at our ideas and plans!

The now revealed East end of St Anne's looks beautiful with the restored stone work and stained glass. Work continues on the south side, and next there will be some stone repairs to the tower.Imagine the whole of the church looking so fabulous! We're busy raising funds to complete this exterior renovation. If you can help please get in touch. Look at our St Anne's Makeover page on Facebook to see more of the stone restoration progress...

Now imagine the inside - Bewdley's biggest indoor space - warm, welcoming and offering a wide range of community activities. This is the vision that our church community wants to achieve with St Anne's. 

We are beginning something big and exciting!

Last year we held 2 interactive consultation events for the whole community of Bewdley to share their ideas of how the interior of St Anne's could be developed to be a community space. Our architect has taken all of your feedback and has come up with some initial plans. These are currently being discussed by our church council, and soon we will hold another public consultation. So watch this space!

And check out the attached items showing the challenges we face, the opportunities we have and a bit more about the background to the project.

The opportunities, PDF


Challenges of the exterior, PDF


ST ANNE's Makeover - update Feb 2025, PDF
