About Us

Holy Trinity church was founded on evangelical
foundations in 1876. Today it remains distinctly
evangelical with a strong Bible and mission focus
whilst also reflecting a charismatic tendency in
much of the music, in the prayer ministry and in
some of the preaching.
We have benefited greatly from running Alpha
Courses over the past six years. Our electoral
roll currently stands at around 175.

The church is open every week day from 9.00am to
1.00pm and on some days into the afternoon to
allow members of the public to come and spend
quiet time in God's house. There are always at
least two persons present on the site to offer
prayer support or a listening ear or just a cup
of tea. This initiative has been running for
nearly seven years and has proved valuable in
widening the contacts that we have with our local
Our vision statement is: We are here to take the
love of Jesus in action and words to all people
in the local community.