As we have emerged from Covid, it has been important for our congregation to see 3 things observed, firstly that we don't rush, secondly that they wish to sing, and thirdly they would like to see the common cup brought back in some form.Firstly, whilst it is not required, people are still encouraged to wear a mask, Rev Rich will be doing so for various parts of the service.Also hand sanitiser is still available and the pews are still configured in a socially distanced way.Secondly, We have reintroduced singing, the hymns are up at the start of the service, and hymn books are simply left in place till the following week, ensuring they are safe.Thirdly, the common cup is an area of much concern for the leadership team, but it was decided that providing an individual has sanitised their hands, and they move directly from receiving the bread to the chalice, then they may receive the bread and intinct it in the wine.