The bench is in! Complete, and already blessing the community. Do go and sit on it! This is a community love initiative to bless the wider community, but also part of <a></a>our Green initiatives as we will be planting insect friendly planters near the bench to give a splash of colour and to attract butterflies and insects. It is made from recycled plastic, and is a chatty bench, designed for the rest of weary legs and the warmth of weary hearts. Do say a cheery hello if you see anyone sitting thereJesus says “come unto me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest”
Another glorious project unfolding today! Our wildflower garden was created on the south side of the church. This garden was dug and seeded with wildflowers for future <a></a>glory and good habitat for bees and insects - we hope to continue to develop this land so watch this space for further excitement! Thank you everyone who came and helped!
We have recently been awarded our Rocha UK national eco award at silver level, and are absolutely delighted. Our carbon footprint has fallen from 58 in 2023-2024 to 3.6 in 2024-2025. This is mainly due to our new electric heating system. S. Margaret's has been working hard to raise our green initiatives. We recycle paper, candles and green waste, and are continually cutting printing. We try to use 'green' cleaning products and other products in the church. We are currently engaged in a project for planting wildflowers and insect-friendly plants, and a fruit tree in the church grounds. S. Margaret's engages in wider eco projects such as the WWF Winter Wander and RSPB birdwatch, Earth Hour and other national projects. We pray for the environment in our worship, and encourage people to reflect carefully on our role as Christians for the stewarding of God's glorious creation. If you are interested in learning more about S. Margaret's eco heart then do come along to our green subcommittee meetings where we discuss and explore what we can do and how to energise people to engage in green thinking :-)
A joy to welcome Fr Rob Jones here this morning to lead us in a morning of gentle Lenten Reflection In his first talk, Fr Rob encouraged us to view Lent as a joyful returning, a time when we make space in our hearts, in our buildings, in our prayer and lives for God to do the heavy lifting. He reminded us that Jesus comes into the dust and ashes of Ash Wednesday - that for Jesus ash and dust are the things of creation and recreation, and that for him, our loving brother, no matter how we view ourselves, he sees us as a place of beauty where even yet more colour and life can come. Whoever we are, we are enough for God, and resting in that we can find new peace and lifeHe left us with the question - what would a good Lent look like for us?In Fr Rob’s second talk he reawakens in us the story of the Transfiguration. How light breaks through into our confusion and wonder and to give us strength for hard journeys. He talked about being honest with God, not being afraid to bring our questions and the things in the world that trouble us - to speak our mind to him! He reminded us of the prayer of scripture “Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief”. And to hold to that belief, to God’s deep love, to help us even in our doubts and questionsIn his third address Fr. Rob encouraged us to be honest about the world of fear and anxiety in which we live. Things in our hearts, and in the world which can dominate our hearts with fear. He reminded us of the scripture where the disciples are overwhelmed with fear in the boat in the storm. Jesus responds to them “where is your faith?” Where is your faith that Jesus will hold you no matter what, that Jesus holds all, no matter what? Fear although real and needing acknowledging and hearing, can end up being the “tail that wags the dog”. How do we put something stronger at our centre? Have our grounding strength in thankfulness for life, awareness of God’s goodness in our story, and make trust in that, hope in that, the grounding of our being, and the tail that “wags the dog”. In this way we meet our fear with faith Fr Rob taught us a beautiful Arabic song of peace. May peace and hope bless usHe sent us to consider what we might be grateful for… what might be the life in which we ground our life?The morning finished with Holy Communion “You receive the Body of Christ; become what you eat”. (S. Augustine) - in a world of fear and anxiety we rejoice for the God who can turn dust into life, bread and wine into his body and blood, can transform our fears, our broken hearts and lives and worlds into a place where love can growWe pray with our doors open, our hearts open - God doesn’t ask us to separate faith and world - he says “bring it all to Me” for he will never say no. In our belief, we pray for our unbelief; in our fear, we pray with hope”