Related Churches
St Peters Church Crabbs Cross
St Peters Church Crabbs Cross is a small Victorian church with a Catholic tradition. It was a chapel of ease to Feckenham church when built and has 'travelled' between other parishes until it became a parish church in its own right in 1980. It was finally consecrated in its centenary year 1996 and is now part of the united benefice of Christ the King Redditch.
The Victorian Society has shown an interest in the building because so many chapels like it have disappeared from the English landscape and the Society is keen that such buildings be preserved.
The church has recently had the roof repaired after a considerable period of fundraising and is newly decorated.
We are a welcoming church to all ages. We look to the Bishop of Oswestry for our pastoral and spiritual needs and guidance.
We enjoy and engage in pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham each year at the end of July. If you are interested in coming along then contact us in the usual way.
The Sung Mass is the centre of our worship and all ages are welcome at the celebration. The Sunday Service is usually followed by tea, coffee and biscuits (and cake if you are lucky) in the church hall after the service.
Our church community has affiliated Guides, Brownies and Rainbows.
The church hall is used by a pre-school group daily and two evenings per week by our uniformed organisations and other groups with a Guide hut to the side of the building.
Social events are part of our life together and we hope to increase the number we hold during the year.
The worshipping community has a good feel and we know how to laugh and enjoy ourselves.
We are a welcoming community - why not visit us?
St Matthias & St George
The Bridge
Forming the Local Ecumenical Partnership
A good relationship between Headless Cross Methodist Church and St. Luke’s Church had existed over many years and in the early years of this new century there was a growing desire to work closely together. There had been a number of joint services as well as joint social events which had been well supported.
It became clear that the two churches had a great deal in common with similar visions for their future mission. At the same time both churches faced problems or inadequacies with their existing buildings.
Following discussions between the two churches a decision was taken in December 2006, by both churches in independent voting to "examine the feasibility of joining together as one body on one site."
Subsequently it was decided to set up a Feasibility Study Group (FSG) with representatives from both churches. The FSG divided the task into three sections:●Community and Mission - To consult with and assess the needs of the area and community and consider the current and future outreach of the churches.
●Worship, Church Structures and Organization - To consider how a combined church could be structured, work together, worship together and be ministered.
●Buildings, Finance and Funding - To examine existing and potential buildings, the needs of congregations, user groups and community ventures as well as funding of the project.
A full report from the FSG, with recommendations, was published and circulated to both congregations in December 2007 which was then carefully considered by both churches during 2008. Both churches separately deciding to proceed with amalgamation based on the FSG recommendations. This led to the two churches joining together as an Ecumenical Partnership called The Bridge, based on the St. Luke’s site, on Ash Wednesday, 25th February 2009. Since then various new initiatives have been launched so that today The Bridge has many activities covering all age groups.
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