Facilities and features


Wheelchair accessible.

In the hall.

Car parking in front of the church, on the road outside and behind the church hall. There is also a free public car park about a hundred metres away opposite the local shops.

In the church toilets block and in the church hall.

Outside the Church Hall

Church, hall and toilets

In the church

By request - please ask.

Assistance Dogs

Our Building

Wall paintings and stained glass windows.

Grade II Listed Building.

Music and Worship

Concerts / Live Music

Built in the 19th century with 2 keyboards and full pedal-board.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Fridays at 6.00pm in the church hall.
Mr Paul Gration tel: 01527 451802; mobile: 07986 221 237; email: [email protected]

We hold various community events throughout the year.

Tuesdays at 6.00pm in the church hall.
Mrs Tracey Gration tel: 01527 451802; mobile: 07792 204501; email: [email protected]

Mothers Union

Monday's from 1.00 pm to 2.45 pm in the Church Hall.

A welcoming and friendly atmosphere for babies and toddlers, and those who care for them – with refreshments, baby and toddler toys and play, craft activities, special song and story-time with final blessing.

Help for Visitors

Opening Times:
Thursdays - 10.00 am to 1.00 pm
Fridays - 10.00 am to 1.00 pm

We stock a wide range of womens, mens and childrens clothing along with crockery, bric-a-brac, pictures, mirrors, toys, jewellery, cards, books, DVD's and videos etc.
Everyone is welcome to browse the shop or just come and join us for a chat & refreshments in the café.
There is a free car park at the back of the hall.

Other Features

Coffee and tea served after the services is Fairtrade

Audio-Visual Facilities

To book the hall or for more details please telephone 01527 545120 or email [email protected].