About Us
The Bridge is a Local Ecumenical Partnership (a partnership between churches of different denominations) between St. Luke's (Church of England) and Headless Cross Methodist Church formed on Ash Wednesday, 25th February 2009.SUNDAYS:
Traditional Style Services10.30 am - Service of Holy Communion or Morning Worship. See our calendar for special services.
Once a month on Tuesdays we have Little Fishes for babies to pre-schoolers with their parents and/or carers featuring songs, stories, craft and refreshments at 10.00 am. See our calendar for dates.
10.00 am - Spoken Holy Communion - Term time only.
We have a car park in front of the church and on-road parking outside. There is another car park behind the Church Hall and a free public car park a short walk away by the local shops. Local bus stops are situated within a few metres of the church.
Social Media:
The Bridge is on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TheBridgeChurchRedditch
Café and Charity Shop:
Thursdays and Fridays in the Church Hall from10.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Church Hall:
Our church hall has many activities. Please see www.thebridgeredditch.co.uk/Calendars for details of what is on.