Friends Of St John's

Friends of St John's Bromsgrove raise funds to finance the ongoing maintenance and restoration needs at the landmark church.  Friends of St John's is registered with the Charity Commission number 1184596

We need your help to rebuild the top 2.25 metre section of the spire at the Grade I listed St John’s church in Bromsgrove. It's the tallest spire in Worcestershire!

In 2017, cracks appeared in the stonework at the top - they have been caused by the rusting and expansion of the iron rod that runs through it. It's been there since the 1850's when the Victorian's carried out repairs to the building, and now it's our turn to update it (although it will look the same from the outside when it's done!)

If you look up at the spire you'll see the emergency repairs at the very top almost 200ft up - 8 steel bars hold the cracking section together to ensure they are secure and safe, but the full repairs are really urgent.

Not only is the safety of the structure an issue, but the church bells can only be rung for 15 minutes at a time and can not be rung at all in high winds. At the beginning of 2024 the Friends were thrilled to received a National Lottery Heritage Fund award of £249,975 towards the whole project. We are pleased to receive donation large and small, it all adds up. You can donate through Just Giving visit Save Our Spire. We need a total of £360,000 plus VAT to complete the project, which needs to take place in 2024.

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