Can you join the small band of committed volunteers who meet regularly to clean the Church? Spare an hour or so to help make the task go quicker. Please think about it as a small act of service to the Church. The next cleaning day is Saturday February 15th. The team meet at 9am and share out the tasks to be completed. Nothing too arduous, Helen can match you with a broom a vacuum or polish and a duster according to your ability. Sweep an aisle, polish a pew or vacuum a piece of carpet. If you can do one of these little tasks it is a job the nobody else has to do that day. Sharing the workload really does make the workload just that bit lighter.
During January 2025 When Rev Ray is recuperating the Wednesday Meeting on 15/01 and 29/01 Communion will be celebrated by Rev Janet and this small informal group will gather for a short time of prayer.Wednesday January 22nd the meeting will be The Service of the Word and the group will consider 1 Corinthians Ch7 v1-24 As this is the week when Churches together across the country will be joining together in Prayer for Christian Unity this will be remembered in prayer.
The Scottish poet Robert Burns was born January 25 1759 and you are invited to a very English alternative evening of fun, laughter and light hearted mayhem suitable for all the family. It will be held in St Andrews church hall January 25th at 6pmThere will be music and dancing with an experienced caller to lead you through the dances. Supper will be served with baked potato and a taste of some delicacies that Burns himself enjoyed. You should bring something suitable to quench your thirst through the evening. It is essential that those wishing to attend should contact by text message Caroline Khan 07548392583 or Chris Thom 07840338410 to ensure that you are one of the lucky ones to attend where there are limited spaces. Ticket prices are by donation in advance if possible.
<b>Car Parking at weekends.</b> There are unfortunately some long standing members of the congregation who through illness or disability now can not attend worship as they might wish because they are unable to park in the small church car park. We have an agreement with the Woodland House Group who run the children’s nursery on Church Lane that we may use their large car park and it is only a short walk up to the church. Please be considerate when thinking of parking at the top of the hill, are you perhaps using a space when you could easily walk a few extra meters? There may be days when the Woodlands car park might not be available to us if they have a special event, but generally the nursery is open Monday to Friday.