About Us

St John the Baptist is the beautiful, historic church, overlooking the town of Bromsgrove. With its cathedral-like interior and magnificant spire, it can be seen for miles in any direction. Yet within this iconic building lies a warm, friendly and inclusive heart, full of histroy and tradition, which invites and welcomes all who seek sanctuary and worship. 

The church dates from the 12th century, but is predominantly of 14th and 15th century construction. It was restored in 1858 by George Gilbert Scott. There are 13th century and early 16th century alabaster monuments in the north chapel and an alabaster effigy of 1517 in the chancel. There is also some vital restoration work planned for the near future which for a time will change the skyline of Bromsgrove as repair work is undertaken on the top section of the spire. Please read the information on the Friends of St John's page for some more information about this work.

Open every day from 10am - 3pm - by prior arrangement only, contact the Parish Office or vicar for viewings outside these times.