We'd love to hear from you

Welcome to Holy Trinity & St Matthew's Church in Ronkswood. We are a small church with a big heart - thanks you for visiting our pages.

HT & St Matt's is part of the Worcester South East Team and covers the parish of Ronkswood. There are many notable features in our parish such as the OId Aconbury Orchard, Ronkswood Hill Meadows (formally the Tolladine Golf Course), Worcester Woods Country Park and the Worcester Royal Hospital. We do not have a church building at this time and worship in many different centres in the parish, most notably on a Sunday at the Community Centre in Ronkswood. You are always welcome to join us and please do get in touch with Rob our Vicar if we can be of any help.

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Robert Farmer

Please contact our Parish Office for weddings, funerals or baptisms 01905 358083

Revd Rob Farmer Team Vicar
Rebecca Caskie Parish Administrator
01905 358083

Our website