About Us
We are a friendly and welcoming church with a mainly choral tradition.
We work closely with The Church of the Good Shepherd, Hook, and a number of other churches in the area and occasionally have joint services. Please keep an eye on our events list for these.
The best place to find out information about our church (and the other churches we work with) is our "family" website: www.hopechurchfamily.org
As well as our weekly services and extra services at Easter and Christmas, we host regular special services for Upton’s annual folk and jazz festivals.
Our church building is usually open 9am-5pm throughout the week (or dusk in the winter). If you’d like to visit outside these hours get in touch and we’ll try to help. Visitors are always welcome to drop in, though please be aware that very occasionally we host events or services which may not be open to visitors.
We want our building to be a real community resource, so we encourage its use for concerts, exhibitions and craft fairs, as well as welcoming the local primary school in for regular services.
<span style="font-size: 1rem;">If you wish to contact someone from the church please email [email protected] rather than using the contact route on this website, which is not regularly checked.</span>
If you have any concerns about the safety of a vulnerable child or adult please visit our safety page: http://www.hopechurchfamily.org/safeguarding/