Upton Parish Church (St Peter and St Paul's)

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, our building is closed at the moment for visitors. 

Welcome! We are a friendly and welcoming church with a range of services that offer something for everyone.

If you are looking for a lively and modern Sunday service, then try our all-age Breakfast Church (1st Sunday).  Click here for more details of our work with young people.

If your tastes are more traditional, then why not give our choral communion services (2nd Sundays) or our choral evensongs (3rd Sunday). Our music director lays on a regular programme of concerts and recitals – see the concerts page for more info.

Alternatively, if you prefer something quieter and more intimate, try our fourth Sunday morning prayer service.

We run a regular Monday morning Bible study (“Start the Week”), please contact the vicar for more information.

We work closely with The Church of the Good Shepherd, Hook, and a number of other churches in the area and occasionally have joint services. Please keep an eye on our events list for these.

The church is most definitely the people, never the building, but if you do like church architecture, then the building is usually open to visitors from around 9:30am-12:30pm throughout the week and longer on a Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  . If you’d like to visit outside these hours get in touch and we’ll try to help. Visitors are always welcome to drop in, though please be aware that very occasionally we host events or services which may not be open to visitors.

We want our building to be a community resource, so we encourage its use for concerts, exhibitions and Upton’s many music festivals, as well as welcoming the local primary school in for regular services.

If you want to get in touch, please don't use the email system in this website as we don't check it often. Instead email [email protected] and we'll get back to you much quicker.

If you have any concerns about the safety of a child or adult, please visit our safety page.

Get in touch

Rev'd Barry Unwin

Tunnel Hill
Upton upon Severn


Our website

What's on

Benefice Service

Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Upton Parish Church (St Peter and St Paul's)
Old Street Upton-on-Severn Worcester, WR8 0JQ, United Kingdom

On the fifth Sunday of the month, all the churches in the Hope Church Family come together for a benefice service. Please visit www.hopechurchfamily.org/calendar to find out more information.