We are a friendly and welcoming church and active in reaching out to the local community. We work closely with St Mary's Church, Hanley Castle and St James' Church, Welland the other Church of England churches in the Hope Church family. We do our best to support each other's events and share activities where it makes sense. This is particularly the case with what we do for young people. To find out more, please visit our group website: www.hopechurchfamily.org
We run a Messy Church (jointly with St Mary's, Hanley Castle) as well as a Women's Fellowship, a Lent Group and run occasional 'Beer and Ethics' evenings.
Apart from Easter, Christmas and occasional special Sundays like Remembrance Sunday, our service pattern is as follows:
First Sunday of the Month Holy Communion 9:30am
Second Sunday of the Month Morning Worship, at St James, Welland, 11am
Third Sunday of the month Holy Communion 9:30am
Fourth Sunday of the month Morning Worship 9:30am
Fifth Sunday of the Month Benefice Service - see http://hopechurchfamily.org/calendar/
If you have any concerns about the safety of a vulnerable child or adult please visit our safety page.