Carolling on the 22nd December at 6pm

22nd_December_Carols_for_Crisis_1_UqSJIu7_UOt7rF6_mfRwhXl_jELfT3e.pdf Download
Community_news christmas
22nd December at 6pmCarolling around the villages, in aid of Crisis at ChristmasBe wonderful if you could share this message far and wide as I am sure many people in Overbury, Conderton and from further afield would enjoy the reintroduction of this pre-covid tradition. It's also a great opportunity to raise ££££££ for Crisis at Christmas. As well as our collecting tins on the day, there is a 'justgiving' page so that everyone can donate quickly and easily and directly - and if you can't be there on the day you can still support the cause - in the immortal words of the great TESCO, "every little helps"!!!
I think it's more important than ever this year to give generously. I hope you can help. Meeting outside the Main Gates at Overbury Court (Important note: if the weather is absolutely filthy we will meet in the Village Hall at 6pm instead.)The generous Churchills' will get us all going with a hot toddy as we assembleThen sing for the CourtGo and sing for The Red House (and another nip of something warming from the generous Harbours)Go up to the park gates and sing thereHead to the Yew Tree for a final yodel and a drinkBring warm clothes and torches or lanterns, bells, tambourines, (drums, trumpets, etc.etc.etc.)I will be bringing some carol sheets with me to share out, but if you can print your own version, I've attached a copy here.****If you'd like to sponsor a particular carol, please do - just make a donation to Crisis via the link below and email me your favourite carol and I will make sure we sing it****
Be fantastic if people come and join us on the singing safari but also lovely if they come to their door or gate as we pass, make a donation and get their festive groove well and truly on. Please share this far and wide, invite people who are new to the villages, encourage people to give to Crisis via this link, and come and join us on the day.