Pews News 23 February 2025
- Occurring
- for 5 days, 13 hours, 15 mins
- Venue
- St Nicholas, Peopleton
- Address Main Street Peopleton Worcester, WR10 2EA, United Kingdom
Bowland Benefice
Pews News 23 February 2025
2 nd Sunday before Lent Collect
Almighty God,
you have created the heavens and the earth
and made us in your own image:
teach us to discern your hand in all your works
and your likeness in all your children;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns supreme
over all things, now and for ever. Amen.
This week in the Benefice
23 February
Communion in
White Ladies
Prayer in
24 February
Meet and Eat
in The Parish
Room, White
Ladies Aston
Fete planning
meeting in The
Parish Room
28 February
7.00pm Eataly in The
Parish Room
2 March
Sunday next
before Lent
Family Service
in Upton
Communion in
6.00pm Evensong in
White Ladies
As we all know village churches and communities
depend so very heavily on fund raising these days.
This coming week there is a meeting to start planning
White Ladies Aston’s Summer Fete and on the same
day, Monday, the monthly Meet and Eat Lunch will be
held in the Parish Room. Soup and a pudding and hot
drink are on offer for £5. Please prebook by ringing
01905 345371 or emailing
[email protected] .
Friday, again in the Parish Room is an evening to find
out more about, and experience Italian cuisine.
Booking essential as above – tickets £10.
And a date for your diary…….
On 22 March there will be a Broughton Hackett Village
Social Coffee Morning. It will be held from 10.30am at
6 Manor Court. Raffle proceeds will go towards the
upkeep of St Leonard’s Church. If you can offer help
on the day, organise the raffle, donate a cake of raffle
prize, please contact Di on 07530 406096
Church Annual Meetings
It’s that time of year again……when congregations get
together to reflect on the year gone by, to elect a new
committee and look forward to the coming months.
To be eligible to attend, you need to be on the
electoral roll of your parish. Every six years a
completely new roll is prepared and 2025 is THE year!
Electoral roll application forms will be available in all
the Benefice churches, so if you want to have your say
at your church’s Annual meeting, please do complete
one and hand it back to a Church Warden or the
Electoral Roll Officer.
The Annual Meetings are as follows:
White Ladies Aston:
27 March at 7.00pm in The Parish Room
1 April at 7.30pm in St Nicholas’ Church
Broughton Hackett:
7 April at 7.00pm in St Leonard’s Church
Upton Snodsbury:
9 April at 7.00pm in St Kenelm’s church
Do you feel you would like to do more for your
Now is the time to volunteer for the Parochial Church
Council. Membership can be very rewarding and fun
and you can get ‘stuck in’ to church and community
life – so satisfying and enriching in our rural
Helen Bennett Church Warden at St Kenelm’s would
love to hear from anyone who would like to get
involved at Upton Snodsbury.
Ring her on 01905 381490.
The Season of Lent is nearly upon us as Ash
Wednesday is the week after next on 5 March. Our
Ash Wednesday service, Holy Communion with
Imposition of Ashes, will be held at 7.00pm in St
Nicholas Church, Peopleton.
Traditionally Lent is a season for reflection,
introspection, fasting and prayer. In the Pews News
over the six weeks of Lent leading up to Holy Week
and Easter Day, it is planned to include some thoughts
and reflections based on a ‘package’ devised by Stuart
and Joseph Townend.
You may know Stuart as a Christian song writer – my
favourite of his is In Christ Alone.
Claire and I will be working together on these little
offerings and our aim and sincere hope is, that they
will be thought provoking and helpful – a good
channel for personal reflection and challenge.
In due course we would love to hear what you feel
about the meditations and whether they proved
A thought for now to ponder on…
taken from Elif Shafak’s book Three Daughters of Eve…
In the name of religion they are killing God.
For the sake of discipline and authority they forget