Safeguarding children & vulnerable adults

The parish of Fladbury, Hill and Moor, Wyre Piddle, Cropthorne and Charlton is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Worcester’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.

Please follow the link below to read our Safeguarding Policy.


If you have any concerns relating to safeguarding or you need to talk to someone about an abuse please contact;

Jean Ounsted – Parish Safeguarding Representative - tel: 01386 860363 or by email

Hilary Highton – Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser – tel: 0749 5060869

or the Diocesan Safeguarding Team on 01905 732811.

The Childline helpline number is 0800 1111.

Reporting mistreatment

Any allegations of mistreatment, abuse, harassment or bullying must be responded to without delay. If you think that someone is at immediate risk of serious harm you must contact the police on 999

Most situations will not require such immediate action. Where there are suspicions of abuse but where no allegation of abuse has been made, you should share your concerns with, and seek guidance from, the incumbent, and/or the Parish Safeguarding Officer.

If you have safeguarding concerns about the welfare of a child, young person or an adult, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers for advice and support via [email protected]

If possible, please complete this referral form and attach it to your email – the team will contact you at the earliest opportunity.

Whether or not the matter involves the church there will be cooperation with the police and local authority in any investigation. Sensitive and informed pastoral care will be offered to anyone who has suffered abuse, including support to make a complaint if so desired: help to find appropriate specialist care either from the church or secular agencies will be offered.

Parish Safeguarding Policy 2025, PDF
