Sunday 30 March - Mothering Sunday9:30am - Morning Worship - Charlton11:00am - Holy Communion - Wyre Piddle (please note change of time) The Five Alive Parish Lent Lunches 2025During Lent, simple lunches are being held in our villages raising money for various charities. All are welcome to go to any of the following in…..Fladbury Village Hall onThursday 27 March from 12noonin aid of The Brain Tumour Charity –contact Jane Bugg, email or phone 01386 860531.Lower Moor at the Old Chestnut Tree Inn onThursday 3 April from 12.30pm to 2pmin aid of RNIB supporting blind people and those with visual impairments. Looking ahead – the Church tomorrowWe all recognise the changing culture of our churches but what will the Church look like in this area in 5 – 10 years’ time?None of us know what talents will emerge over these years – we are constantly surprised by the activity of the Holy Spirit, and yet we do know things don’t stay the same, and that good foundations help anything new to flourish.Please come and join us on Saturday 5 April at 10:00am at Holland House to talk, to pray, to note the signs of where we see the Holy Spirit active today and to ask, “What is this telling us?”.The morning will conclude by 12.30pm. It would help Holland House to know how much cake to bake if you could let me know in advance if you are coming, but don’t worry if you don’t – still come!SarahEmail: Benefice Administrator - VacancyFor a role description please email: fmwcc01@gmail.comTo apply please send your CV and covering letter to Sarah Dangerfield stating how your knowledge, skills and experience match our requirements laid out in the person specification.Closing date for CV and letter is 7 April 2025. Churches together in Pershore Lent Talks – Every Day Faith – Christians in Today’s World.At Pershore Library every Wednesday in Lent from 7:30pm to 8:30pmHear from a different member of Pershore Community each week2 April - Terry Palmer - Sales Executive in the Timber Industry9 April - Jason El’habid - Secondary School Teacher Eco churchThank you to the two volunteers interested in working with me on this project in their respective villages.If you are interested or would like to find out more, please contact me. Alison Sandham01386860194 or Maundy Thursday – 17 April7.00pm - Charlton Old School Room – Supper with Holy CommunionWe remember Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples with a simple lamb or vegetable meal around the one table, with readings and prayers.Once the meal is eaten and the plates cleared away, we’ll remain seated at the table for a short service of Holy Communion. If you do not usually receive holy communion, please feel welcome to come.For catering please reserve a place with Delia Harding delia.c.harding@gmail.comor 01386 786005 and let Delia know of any special dietary requirements before Monday 14 April. Church Electoral Roll – Parish of St James' Bishampton with Throckmorton ChapelryEvery six years a new Church Electoral Roll of church members is prepared.Forms are available in both churches. Please fill one in and return it to your local warden.Alternatively, you can download a form for printing or for submitting electronically at must be received by 20 April please. Sunday 6 April Lent 5 Passiontide begins9:30am - Morning Worship - Bishampton1100am - Holy Communion with APCM - Fladbury