for 6 hours, 30 mins
, United Kingdom
A day's walk with stopping points for Morning Prayer, Prayer During the Day, Bible Reflection and Evening Prayer. We will enjoy the sights and sounds of nature along the banks of the River Severn as part of a circular walk. People are welcome to join for the walk and / or any of the prayer activities. The day will include the month's activities for 'Walking Church'. If only joining in with the prayer activities, driving between stops will be possible. If people choose to walk the full route the distance will be approximately 7 miles. The attachment is the "Your guide to the day" booklet (copies will be provided on the day) which contains timings and locations.
A Day's Retreat for Ride and Stride
9 Sep 2023, 10:30 a.m. for 6 hours, 30 mins
A Day's Retreat for Ride and Stride
9 Sep 2023, 10:30 a.m. for 6 hours, 30 mins