
Safeguarding: Useful Information

As a Benefice we are committed to the safety and well-being of everyone who uses our churches. If you have any concerns about safety and safeguarding, or would like to talk to someone about an issue, here are some useful contact details:

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, Hilary Higton, Tel: 07495 060869, Email: [email protected]

Lead Clergy on safeguarding in the WWRT, Rev. Anne Potter, Tel: 01886 832355, Email: [email protected]

Benefice Safeguarding Adviser, Alison Khan, Email: [email protected]

Childline: 08001111

Age Concern UK: 0800678 1602

The_Shelsleys_Safeguarding_Policy_March_2022, PDF


The_Shelsleys_Social_Media_Policy_February_2022, PDF


The_Shelsleys_Policy_on_Recruitment_of_Ex-offenders, PDF
