Dorchester Team Communion Together - Warborough St Laurence

for 1 hour
St Laurence,
Warborough,, OX10 7BD

The Team Service this month is a service of prayer for peace in the Holy Land. It is at St Laurence, Warborough.
Click below for more information.
Collection at Team Service – Team Council have agreed this Team Service collection will go to the Christian Aid Middle Aid Crisis Appeal.
Middle East Crisis Appeal - Donate (

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Marsh Baldon St Peter and Toot Baldon St Lawrence with Nuneham Courtenay

Our Safeguarding Officer is Sara McDouall Tel: 01865 343567

Get in touch

Rev Teresa Stewart-Sykes

The Vicarage, Cherwell Road

OX10 7PB
Team Vicar
Admin Office
01865 340007

Our website

What's on

Dorchester Team Communion Together - Warborough St Laurence

for 1 hour
St Laurence,
Warborough,, OX10 7BD

The Team Service this month is a service of prayer for peace in the Holy Land. It is at St Laurence, Warborough.
Click below for more information.
Collection at Team Service – Team Council have agreed this Team Service collection will go to the Christian Aid Middle Aid Crisis Appeal.
Middle East Crisis Appeal - Donate (

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