Readings: 2 Corinthians 4.3-6 & Mark 9.2-9
Preacher: Rev. Beverley SproatsHymns: The splendour of the King; Thine be the glory.
End of service: ‘Candle for the Lord’, sung by Brian Woods
Zoom coffee after the service at 10.15am
The 9.30am service is available to catch up later on YouTube and Facebook. Please do continue to worship with us online if you prefer to do so.
Church is open for private prayer 9am-3pm Wednesdays and SaturdaysCCLI licence account number: 964509
CCLI Streaming Licence account number : 964509
PRS Limited Online Music Licence: OLE-00000020558
Candle for the Lord, sung by Brian Woods, used by permission.