About Us

This is our website, hosted by AChurchnear you, our simplified website address is: http://sarkchurches.co.uk. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter @sarkchurches. In the first instance please contact our Minister for enquiries at either church.

St Peter's Key Personnel

Revd David Stolton,  Minister in pastoral charge   

01481  832743 or 07839700020  notlots@hotmail.com or david.stolton@sarkchurches.co.uk

The Very Revd Tim Barker, Dean of Guernsey, Priest in charge  01481 238568

Terry Archer,  Licenced Lay Minister  01481 832526

Maj. Christopher Beaumont,  Warden  christopher@laseigneuriedesercq.uk

Julia Evans,   Warden and Honorary Treasurer  07781119805

Kevin Adams,  Organist  01481  832202

Belinda Dunks,  Safeguarding Officer  01481  832926

Sark Methodist Church Key Personnel

Revd. David Stolton, Minister  01481 832743  or 07839700020

Revd. Howard Stringer, Guernsey Superintendent Minister   01481  257178

Lorraine Nicolle, Local preacher, Worship Leader and Steward    01481 832434/832624

Nellie Le Feuvre Steward and Treasurer   01481 832321

Maggie Feibel, Steward, Sanctuary Centre Manager and Safeguarding Officer  07781442436

Hazel Fry, Steward  01481 832174