Creating 'The Den'

<em>'We need a base for kids on a Sunday morning to explore faith.'</em>

<em>'We need a relaxed space for folks from our community groups to chat more about faith.'</em>

It was these needs that sowed the seeds in Spring 2021 of The Vestry Project: a plan to convert the Vestry into <em>The Den</em>, a dedicated small space where kids, youth and community can chat and explore faith.


<strong>It might be a small space but it's been a mammoth task! </strong>

An amazing collection of volunteers have been sorting & clearing, tidying & clearing, planning & clearing, sorting again & clearing, cleaning & clearing, problem-solving & clearing. Some people have given their time, others have given their money & others have given their ideas. Our Kids & Family Coordinator has begun to hatch plans & chat to folks about furnishings and resources. It's been an impressive team effort.


<strong>And we're nearly there. </strong>

If all goes to plan, we're hoping that by mid-September we'll be able to begin to use inhabit the space in different ways. It'll be small space within the bigger spaces of Sunday Services & of Community Groups where faith in Christ can be explored, nurtured and deepened. And this is just the starting point, we wonder what else God has got in mind for The Den.

<strong>Can you help support this space?</strong>

If you can offer some time, some resources, some prayer to help, then contact the wardens by email [email protected]