Facilities and features


Are open during services, Weddings, Funerals and events. Not at other times.

A grass and hard surface car park is available during Sunday services and other calendar events. There is parking available on the road or next to the Church Rooms for casual visitors.

Hearing (induction) Loop

Our Building

The door is usually unlocked during daylight hours. The building is opened and closed daily by a wonderful team of volunteers.

Stained Glass

The present flint and stone church was consecrated in 1215 and
is on the site of an earlier building, probably also of stone. This
earlier place of worship occupied most of the area of the
present nave from the chancel to a line west of the south door
to the present vestry door and was lengthened to the westwards
in the 13th century. Archaeological investigation has also
found the remains of massive flint and chalk foundations with
large post-holes which indicate a yet earlier building, so it
would appear that this site has been in continuous use from a
time much earlier than the present church was built. By 1251
the advowson was in the hands of Netley Abbey and so
remained until the Dissolution. The nave of the present church
was built in the early 13th century and the chancel later in the
same century.

Music and Worship

Organ music is almost always provided for Sunday services and special events.

There is a BCP Holy Communion service on the 4th Sunday of the month at 8.15am. No hymns.

We have a small but active choir for Sunday Services (not the 8.15am).

Groups, Courses and Activities

Messy Church will be STARTING on Sunday 29th September, 4pm-5.15pm, including a light tea. This will be held at Wellow Village Hall, Buttons Lane, West Wellow, SO51 6BR.
Going forward, Messy Church will be every 4th Sunday of the month at 4pm.
All welcome! Please leave details of any special dietary requirements on the answerphone 01794 765762. Revd Sara-Jane Stevens

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes

Every day during daylight hours

Well behaved dogs on a lead are very welcome to come into the church.

Other Features

Prayers of Love and Faith