Our new Vicar

The Reverend Anne Newport

I was born in Woking in 1955. The day, as I understand it, was largely marked by my father receiving his first company car, a Morris 1000. I had an older brother Anthony, sadly no longer with us. At the age of five we moved to Chandler’s Ford for my father’s work, and spent a very happy childhood there. St Martin’s Church was a huge part of our lives where we worshipped but also attended Brownies, Guides, and Amateur theatricals, which both my brother and myself were heavily involved in. I attended Barton Peveril Grammar School in Eastleigh, where I completed my education. At 15 we moved as a family to Lockerley, just down the road from here.

I trained to be a commercial accountant, working in industries throughout the South of England, and specialising in Companies in difficulties, which led to a very interesting and fulfilling career. Throughout this time I was a regular church attendee, but not involved in ministry.

The ‘Emmeaus’ moment happened whilst I was living in Lyndhurst. My two daughters, Laura and Amy were independent and off to University and their travels. I clearly remember standing in my bedroom and saying ‘ok God, you can have me now.’ The rest, as they say, is history. I trained initially as a Lay Reader, and then was accepted for Ordination training and studied as STETS in Salisbury obtaining a degree in Applied Mission Theology. Whilst I was studying, I lived and worked in the Close in Salisbury as Bishop’s Liturgical Chaplain, Chauffeur and Butler to the Right Reverend David Stancliffe, and thus received a thorough grounding in liturgy, as well as the niceties of the formal dinner party!

I served my Curacy in West Moors, and then spent a very happy seven years in Budleigh Salterton in East Devon as their Vicar.

In July 2020 I was blessed to meet Rob, and we were married on 16th July 2022 in Hazelbury Plucknett Church in Somerset. Rob’s two sons, Tom and James live in Belgium and Australia. My two daughters, Laura and Amy are a little closer to home in Thornbury and Truro. We also have four lovely grandchildren, Charlie and Martha, William and Olivia, who I am sure you will meet from time to time.

We feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to come and live and work in Kings Somborne, and we hope and pray that in our time here, Rob and I may contribute positively to this community. To me God is love is community, and that is my calling.