Welcome to St John's, Farley Chamberlayne!
Welcome to our lovely 12th Century Church. We hope that you will enjoy its peaceful, downland setting. This has been a place of prayer for at least 900 years, and probably from the Saxon era. Perhaps you may visit us and pause to experience the peace and stillness of this ancient place. The site is magnificent: on a clear day the view is a panorama from the Spinnaker Tower, Portsmouth in the east to Southampton Docks with the hills of the Isle of Wight beyond and the New Forest to the west.
We hold a service of worship every Sunday, with refreshments afterwards; dates and times are on the notice board in the porch. We like to think we are a friendly, welcoming community!
There is much of historic interest and descriptive leaflets are available (please put £1 in the box). A book on the history of Farley Chamberlayne was written by John Rawson Smith in 2012; a sample is in the church. It can be obtained from the churchwardens