Special Lives Service

for 1 hour
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

A service to remember those we have loved but see no longer, with thanks and Christian hope. Carols, readings, poems and a chance to write a star shaped name tag to hang on the Christmas tree during the service.

St James

A very warm welcome to St James' Church. Our Church is a place to celebrate, share and explore the deeper things in life as well as make new friends and be part of the community.  We offer a wide variety of services to suit everyone.  Come as you are, we'd love to meet you. We are part of a network of churches, groups and individuals working towards building and being an Inclusive Church. A church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.

Get in touch

Reverend Vicky Maunder

St James' Church
Church Hill
West End

SO30 3AT
Reverend Vicky Maunder - Vicar
07762 673350

Our website

What's on

Special Lives Service

for 1 hour
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

A service to remember those we have loved but see no longer, with thanks and Christian hope. Carols, readings, poems and a chance to write a star shaped name tag to hang on the Christmas tree during the service.


St James’ Church Ministry Team and PCC Commitments

Promoting a safer environment and culture
Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children and vulnerable adults
Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse or other affected persons
Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concern/allegations of abuse and other affected persons
Responding to those that may pose a present risk
Building good safeguarding practice by following the guidelines found within Church of England House of Bishops Parish Safeguarding Handbook ‘Promoting a Safer Church’:

Our safeguarding policies can be found on our website, as well as noticeboards around the church. They are:

Policy for Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults
Child Protection Policy
Policy on Domestic Abuse Awareness
Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders

St James Charity No. 1132863