Easter Services

for 44 days, 1 hour
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

Please join us over Easter. Find our list of services attached.

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Lenten Course

for 29 days, 23 hours, 15 mins
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

Lent is traditionally a time for reflection, prayer and study as we prepare for Holy Week and Easter.  This year there will be two discussion groups running during the season, both meeting for five sessions.  We will be reading ‘Wild, Bright Hope’  The Big Church Read for 2025 and using some of the chapters for our discussions.  Please pop the dates in your diary and join us for one of the groups as we pray and discuss and reflect on our faith.  Both groups will meet in church.  There is a sign up sheet in church for you to say which group you would like to join and to order the book, which will cost £10.25. Please do so by the 23rd February at the latest.  Tuesday mornings 10am to 11.30am starting Tuesday 11th March with the last session on Tuesday 8th April.  Wednesday evenings 7pm to 8.30pm starting Wednesday 12th March with the last session of Wednesday 9th April.

Sung Eucharist in person and livestreamed

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

Sung Eucharist at 9.30am, Beautiful choral music led by our choir. This can be viewed via our Facebook page - please see our website for further details.

Church Alive

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

Contemporary, interactive gathering for adults and children, begins with refreshments, service starts at 11am. Church Alive is built around music & creativity, fun & friendship, worship & reflection, nurture & communion. Please see our website on how to access this service via Zoom. Please contact Rved Vicky Maunder for access to our Zoom worship at [email protected]

Every Sunday - on the first Sunday of each month Church Alive includes Holy Communion


Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

Traditional Choral Evensong following the Book of Common Prayer led by the church choir

St James' Church Allotment

Every Monday at for 1 hour
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

Here at St James' in amongst our Eco Church work we are also looking to become 'Sustainable Church Flower Ambassadors'.  This has now progressed with us acquiring an Allotment plot, where we hope to grow our own flowers for use in church.  We are always looking for volunteers to help us on the allotment and help our church become more sustainable in our flower arranging.  If you interested in helping on our new allotment please contact Lyn on [email protected], all help is gratefully received.

Morning Prayer

Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at for 45 mins
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

Morning Prayer is said at 9am on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in church, you are welcome to come and join us.

Open Church

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 6 hours
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

The church is open to visit and for private prayer Tuesday to Friday between 9am and 3pm. All welcome.

Wednesday 10.30am in person Eucharist

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

Said service following Common Worship Order One in Traditional Language. This service is followed by refreshments.

Warm Welcome

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

Come and join us at St James’ Church Hall, West End (it’s free!) Every Thursday from January 9th until March 27th (12 weeks) from 10am until 12.30pm.  All Ages welcome.  Enjoy and relax with easy conversation, Knit and Natter, Books Games, Table Tennis and Crafts. Tea, Coffee & snacks with soup and a roll before you leave. Come and join us reconnect or make new friends

Stay and Play

Every Friday at for 1 hour
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

A weekly toddler group held in St James’ Church Hall at 9.15am. Parents and carers are offered friendship within a nurturing Christian environment where their children develop independence, creative play and social skills. Children enjoy taking part in craft, singing and story time.

Term time only

Stations of the Cross

for 14 days, 1 hour, 30 mins
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

Stations of the Cross Services
Friday 21st March at 7pm
Friday 4th April at 7pm

These devotional services reflect on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion. We move around the church stopping to reflect and pray at fourteen images that tell the story of his journey to the cross. This mini pilgrimage helps us enter into a deeper appreciation of his sacrifice for us.

Taizé Service

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

Following the Taizé style of chants and prayers

Good Friday Children's Activity Morning

for 2 hours, 15 mins
St James
Church Hill West End Southampton, SO30 3AT, United Kingdom

Come and join us on 18th April from 9.15 - 11.30 for a morning of storytelling, craft activities and more based on Holy Week. Then at 11.30 we will have a service in church to which all our adults are invited to attend and share in the Easter   story. After the service there will be an opportunity to share hot cross buns and drinks.If you are under four please bring your adult with you.  It is important to book your place so please contact Jan on 07519759269 or at [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you there.