Church Lane, Hyde, Fordingbridge, SP6 2QJWe are committed to being a friendly welcoming church with scriptural based teaching, serving our community. Our aim in worship is to offer a range of styles allowing all to meet with their creator God. Alongside our clergy, we are fortunate to have a team of lay members who serve, particularly in leading worship and pastoral care. We encourage times of fellowship in our Church Centre over coffee or a meal before or after most of our worship, and occasionally our informal services are held in the Church Centre.
Regular Service Pattern:
For full details of services held in this church, please visit our website -
First Sunday
10.00 Holy Communion (contemporary language) followed by coffee
Second Sunday
08.15 Holy Communion (traditional language)
09.15 Coffee and Breakfast, all welcome from both services
10.00 Informal worship for all ages
Third Sunday
10.00 Informal morning service followed by coffee
Fourth Sunday
10.00 Holy Communion (contemporary language) followed by coffee
11:45 Discussion time (varied topics and style)
12:45 Bring and Share Lunch
Fifth Sunday
On this Sunday we normally have a Parish Service at 10 a.m. in one of our churches
Second Monday
15.30 Messy Church in Church Centre and Church. Fun activities and worship aimed at primary age children and their families
Fourth Wednesday
10.00 Informal Ecumenical Communion celebrated at Frogham Chapel
Holy Ascension, Hyde, Hampshire Charity No. 1162360