St Saviour's Bournemouth

Welcome to St Saviour’s Church

We’re a friendly, caring, inter-generational Anglican church serving the Iford/Boscombe East area of Bournemouth. We are committed to loving Jesus with our whole lives, and to loving and serving each other and our wider community.

Weekly services

Everyone is welcome at our morning praise service at 10.30am, including a mixture of ‘in person’ and online elements. There is currently no need to book, but seats will be available on a first come, first served basis.  

A midweek traditional Communion service, with hymns accompanied by our organist, is held on Wednesday mornings at 9.30am. A time for contemplation and quiet.

If you are unable to attend in church, please join St Saviour’s online! The church is a more than just a building and we are seeking to worship, pray, and hear the Word of God together as we connect online. Our online services can found on our YouTube channel:

Pastoral support

We have a team of fit and able people contacting the most vulnerable in our church family. See contact details below if you need to access this help or if you are able to offer support.

Our children’s minister Caz Gatehouse is keeping in contact with children/families from Kidz Ablaze and Messy Church, and is providing materials. She can be contacted via her email. Follow her on Instagram at st.stavioursparents.

Similarly our youth minister Jez Ferguson is keeping in contact with our young people and providing materials. He can be contacted via his email. Follow him on Instagram at st.saviours.youth.

How to contact us

Our office is open Monday to Thursday from 9:00 - 12:30, our contact numbers are as follows:

Office - 01202 430078

Revd Canon Andy McPherson – by answerphone 01202 425978, by mobile 07759 063367, or by email [email protected].

Our prayer chain is also available if you would like specific prayer. Email [email protected] if you have a request.

Giving online

Giving is an important part of our spiritual and church life. The work of our church is reliant on people’s generosity, a generosity that is a hallmark of a lived-out faith and a testament to it.

We give to our church in a variety of ways. If you are able to give more at this time, please visit our online donations page by clicking here.


The parish of Bournemouth: St Saviour, Iford is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Winchester’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.

Giving to St Saviour's

Support our work in the community by giving online

Get in touch

Andy McPherson

St Saviour's Church
32 Colemore Road

Church Office
01202 430078

Our website

What's on

Table tennis

Every Friday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Saviour's Bournemouth
32 Colemore Road Bournemouth, BH7 6RZ, United Kingdom

Come and enjoy a few games of table tennis, and a friendly chat between matches. Players of all levels and all ages are welcome. Bats and balls are provided. Play for fun, improve your game, keep fit, and meet friends. And there’s always the opportunity for coffee in the Open Link afterwards.

St Saviour's Bournemouth Charity No. 1130676