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To the PCC and Congregation of The Parish of Bournemouth St Ambrose,

I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Council to sincerely thank your parish for meeting your requested contributions to the 2020 Common Mission Fund in full.

This year has been unprecedented and different to anything that we have ever faced. I have been astonished by the generosity and commitment shown by our parishes across the diocese throughout the lockdown period, and proud at the dedication shown to our mutuality and commitment to our collective mission and ministry.

Now more than ever, the Common Mission Fund remains a vital element of our diocesan life, ensuring we can provide mission and ministry where it is needed, not just where it can be afforded. We know that many parishes are facing increasing financial pressures, so we want to emphasise our thanks for your ongoing sacrificial and generous giving.

In 2020 your gift to the Common Mission Fund contributed to the costs of our stipendiary clergy and curates, the development of Licenced Lay Ministers, as well those that enrolled in The Bishops’ Commission for Mission programme. We were also able to continue our significant ministry across 100+ Church of England schools.

The Common Mission Fund makes it possible to serve the Lord’s people across our communities; thank you for playing your part, as it is only though your generosity that our diocese can continue to resource our current mission and ministry whilst also looking to the future of our Church.

Yours faithfully,


Colin Harbidge
Director of Operations