Benefice Service at All Saints, East Stratton

for 1 hour
All Saints, East Stratton
All Saints, East Stratton, Church Bank Road, East Stratton, Winchester, SO21 3DU, United Kingdom

There is no service at St Margaret's on this Sunday. However, we are all invited to All Saints, East Stratton, to help celebrate their Patronal Festival with a Benefice Service at 10:00. The service will be presided over by Rev’d Rob Rees, the Ministry Team and Mark Russell, Chief Executive of the Children’s Society. There will be refreshments afterwards. Facilities are available in the village hall opposite the church, where there is also parking.

2023-10-29 updated by ALP.

St Margaret's

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St. Margaret's PCC Secretary

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Benefice Service at All Saints, East Stratton

for 1 hour
All Saints, East Stratton
All Saints, East Stratton, Church Bank Road, East Stratton, Winchester, SO21 3DU, United Kingdom

There is no service at St Margaret's on this Sunday. However, we are all invited to All Saints, East Stratton, to help celebrate their Patronal Festival with a Benefice Service at 10:00. The service will be presided over by Rev’d Rob Rees, the Ministry Team and Mark Russell, Chief Executive of the Children’s Society. There will be refreshments afterwards. Facilities are available in the village hall opposite the church, where there is also parking.

2023-10-29 updated by ALP.