Café Church

for 1 hour
St Margaret's
St Margaret's, Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

What is café church? Well, at St Margaret's, it is a shorter, more informal service, the form of which has been brought about in part by our current interregnum (no vicar) status. The idea is that the service only lasts 10 - 15 minutes, with perhaps two hymns, two readings, a few prayers, but no talk or sermon. After that there will be refreshments, with time for social interaction over tea or coffee and a variety of eats, and maybe even time to discuss amongst ourselves matters that affect us. Do come along and join us on this the third Sunday after Trinity, when one of our congregation, Trevor Leahy, will be officiating. All welcome.

2023-06-15 updated by ALP.

St Margaret's

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St. Margaret's PCC Secretary

What's on

Café Church

for 1 hour
St Margaret's
St Margaret's, Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

What is café church? Well, at St Margaret's, it is a shorter, more informal service, the form of which has been brought about in part by our current interregnum (no vicar) status. The idea is that the service only lasts 10 - 15 minutes, with perhaps two hymns, two readings, a few prayers, but no talk or sermon. After that there will be refreshments, with time for social interaction over tea or coffee and a variety of eats, and maybe even time to discuss amongst ourselves matters that affect us. Do come along and join us on this the third Sunday after Trinity, when one of our congregation, Trevor Leahy, will be officiating. All welcome.

2023-06-15 updated by ALP.