
for 1 hour
St Margaret's
Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

Do come along and join us for this service on Christmas Eve afternoon. Suitable for all ages, from tiny ones upwards, the service, led by Rev'd James Whymark, will include building our crib scene, singing, and the distribution of Christingles. There will be a retiring collection to support the valuable work of The Children’s Society. We hope the earlier start time of 3pm will suit families better.

2023-11-07 updated by ALP.

St Margaret's

Get in touch

St. Margaret's PCC Secretary

What's on


for 1 hour
St Margaret's
Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

Do come along and join us for this service on Christmas Eve afternoon. Suitable for all ages, from tiny ones upwards, the service, led by Rev'd James Whymark, will include building our crib scene, singing, and the distribution of Christingles. There will be a retiring collection to support the valuable work of The Children’s Society. We hope the earlier start time of 3pm will suit families better.

2023-11-07 updated by ALP.