Lent Prayer Course 6 of 6

for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Rectory
The Rectory, 6 Green Close, South Wonston, SO21 3EE, United Kingdom

For Lent 2025 (which started on Ash Wednesday) Rev'd Jo Criscenti has decided that we will look at how we pray, both during church services and as individuals. As you are probably aware, Lent is the time leading up to Easter Sunday when we may decide to give up some of our indulgences, or alternatively take something up!

This, the last of the six sessions of the Lent Course on Tuesday evenings, is to help equip those who lead intercessions in church to reflect on and develop their practice.
So, on this last evening (8th April) our topic is:
Writing prayers of intercession

If you would like to join us, please email the church warden on [email protected]

2025-03-02 added by ALP

St Margaret's

Get in touch

St. Margaret's PCC Secretary

What's on

Lent Prayer Course 6 of 6

for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Rectory
The Rectory, 6 Green Close, South Wonston, SO21 3EE, United Kingdom

For Lent 2025 (which started on Ash Wednesday) Rev'd Jo Criscenti has decided that we will look at how we pray, both during church services and as individuals. As you are probably aware, Lent is the time leading up to Easter Sunday when we may decide to give up some of our indulgences, or alternatively take something up!

This, the last of the six sessions of the Lent Course on Tuesday evenings, is to help equip those who lead intercessions in church to reflect on and develop their practice.
So, on this last evening (8th April) our topic is:
Writing prayers of intercession

If you would like to join us, please email the church warden on [email protected]

2025-03-02 added by ALP