Lent Prayer Course 1 of 6

for 2 hours
The Rectory
The Rectory, 6 Green Close, South Wonston, SO21 3EE, United Kingdom

For Lent 2025 (which starts on Ash Wednesday) Rev'd Jo Criscenti has decided that we will look at how we pray, both during church services and as individuals. As you are probably aware, Lent is the time leading up to Easter Sunday when we may decide to give up some of our indulgences, or alternatively take something up!

This Lent Course will be over six sessions on Tuesday evenings (please see separate event listings for each of the sessions), but we start on this particular evening (Shrove Tuesday) just with a supper, a chat and an opportunity to be together.

The Lent Course is open to anyone who would like to attend from across the Dever Benefice, whether you are an intercessor (lead the prayers in church) or not.

If you would like to join us, please email the church warden on [email protected]

2025-03-02 added by ALP

Holy Communion with Ashing

for 1 hour
St Margaret's
Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

Ashes are an ancient sign of penitence. From the Middle Ages it became the custom to begin Lent by being marked in ash with the sign of the cross.

Ash Wednesday, the sixth Wednesday before Easter, marks the beginning of Lent. It is now usual, in the West, to count the forty days of Lent continuously to the end of Holy Week (not including Sundays), beginning on Ash Wednesday.

Rev'd Rob Rees and Rev'd Jo Criscenti lead this special service of Holy Communion with Ashing at St Margaret's. All are welcome.

2025-03-02 added by ALP

Mothers' Union

Every Second Tuesday at for 30 mins
Different locations in South Wonston. Please check with Secretary.
Different locations in South Wonston. Please check with Secretary.

The Mother’s Union is a worldwide organisation which, underpinned by prayer and fundraising, aims to support people and families who need help, and campaign to improve their lives. The South Wonston Branch meets on a monthly basis (excluding August), usually on the second Tuesday. We welcome all who are interested in our work to support family life. You don't have to be a mum or even female!

Please contact Mrs Mary Cleal, email [email protected], for information regarding times and venues.

(2022-06-02 updated by ALP with content from MC.)

Lent Prayer Course 2 of 6

for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Rectory
The Rectory, 6 Green Close, South Wonston, SO21 3EE, United Kingdom

For Lent 2025 (which started on Ash Wednesday) Rev'd Jo Criscenti has decided that we will look at how we pray, both during church services and as individuals. As you are probably aware, Lent is the time leading up to Easter Sunday when we may decide to give up some of our indulgences, or alternatively take something up!

This Lent Course will be over six sessions on Tuesday evenings (please see separate event listings for each of the sessions).
On this particular evening (11th March) our topic is:
Prayer during worship - identifying and understanding why there are different forms of prayer.

The Lent Course is open to anyone who would like to attend from across the Dever Benefice, whether you are an intercessor (lead the prayers in church) or not.

If you would like to join us, please email the church warden on [email protected]

2025-03-02 added by ALP

Lent Prayer Course 3 of 6

for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Rectory
The Rectory, 6 Green Close, South Wonston, SO21 3EE, United Kingdom

For Lent 2025 (which started on Ash Wednesday) Rev'd Jo Criscenti has decided that we will look at how we pray, both during church services and as individuals. As you are probably aware, Lent is the time leading up to Easter Sunday when we may decide to give up some of our indulgences, or alternatively take something up!

This Lent Course will be over six sessions on Tuesday evenings (please see separate event listings for each of the sessions).
On this particular evening (18th March) our topic is:
Spirituality and prayer

The Lent Course is open to anyone who would like to attend from across the Dever Benefice, whether you are an intercessor (lead the prayers in church) or not.

If you would like to join us, please email the church warden on [email protected]

2025-03-02 added by ALP

Lent Lunch

for 2 hours
Victoria Hall
Victoria Hall, Wonston Road, Sutton Scotney Winchester, SO21 3GS, United Kingdom

There are a few lunches happening in the Dever Benefice during Lent. One that concerns St Margaret's is happening on Tuesday 25th March, in the Victoria Hall in Sutton Scotney. There is free parking at this venue.

The respective church wardens of Holy Trinity, Wonston and St Margaret's, South Wonston will once again be jointly hosting this lunch. It will begin at 12:30 (one can drop in any time from then) and will run on until around 14:30.

The format will be the same as last year. Lunch will be as many bowls of delicious home-made soup, garnishes and bread as you can manage, in a communal and convivial atmosphere.

All donations received on the day will be split between St Margaret’s and Holy Trinity churches.

For catering purposes, please notify our church warden that you would like to come, at the email address provided below. Do come and support it if you are able, and if one or two people are able to volunteer some help on the day, that would be even better.

St Margaret's contact for the Lent Lunch:
[email protected]

2025-02-28 updated by ALP.

Lent Prayer Course 4 of 6

for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Rectory
The Rectory, 6 Green Close, South Wonston, SO21 3EE, United Kingdom

For Lent 2025 (which started on Ash Wednesday) Rev'd Jo Criscenti has decided that we will look at how we pray, both during church services and as individuals. As you are probably aware, Lent is the time leading up to Easter Sunday when we may decide to give up some of our indulgences, or alternatively take something up!

This Lent Course will be over six sessions on Tuesday evenings (please see separate event listings for each of the sessions).
On this particular evening (25th March) our topic is:
Praying alone

The Lent Course is open to anyone who would like to attend from across the Dever Benefice, whether you are an intercessor (lead the prayers in church) or not.

If you would like to join us, please email the church warden on [email protected]

2025-03-02 added by ALP

Lent Prayer Course 5 of 6

for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Rectory
The Rectory, 6 Green Close, South Wonston, SO21 3EE, United Kingdom

For Lent 2025 (which started on Ash Wednesday) Rev'd Jo Criscenti has decided that we will look at how we pray, both during church services and as individuals. As you are probably aware, Lent is the time leading up to Easter Sunday when we may decide to give up some of our indulgences, or alternatively take something up!

This Lent Course will be over six sessions on Tuesday evenings (please see separate event listings for each of the sessions).
On this particular evening (1st April) our topic is:
Prayer for Multiple Intelligences

The Lent Course is open to anyone who would like to attend from across the Dever Benefice, whether you are an intercessor (lead the prayers in church) or not.

If you would like to join us, please email the church warden on [email protected]

2025-03-02 added by ALP

Tea, Cake & Chat

Every First Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Margaret's
St Margaret's, Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

The Tea, Cake and Chat afternoons are open to all in the village, and beyond. They are usually held on the first Monday of the month in St Margaret’s, from 2.30 - 4.00 pm. Do come and bring a friend for a friendly afternoon and reasonable cup of tea, always with cake. There is no charge, but any monies collected (after deduction of expenses) go towards the upkeep of St Margaret's church building.

Contact Jane McQuoid on 01962 885434 for more details.

Lent Prayer Course 6 of 6

for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Rectory
The Rectory, 6 Green Close, South Wonston, SO21 3EE, United Kingdom

For Lent 2025 (which started on Ash Wednesday) Rev'd Jo Criscenti has decided that we will look at how we pray, both during church services and as individuals. As you are probably aware, Lent is the time leading up to Easter Sunday when we may decide to give up some of our indulgences, or alternatively take something up!

This, the last of the six sessions of the Lent Course on Tuesday evenings, is to help equip those who lead intercessions in church to reflect on and develop their practice.
So, on this last evening (8th April) our topic is:
Writing prayers of intercession

If you would like to join us, please email the church warden on [email protected]

2025-03-02 added by ALP

Sacristan Training

for 2 hours
St Margaret's
Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

Rev'd Joanna Criscenti has offered to run this session at St Margaret’s, to show anyone who is interested all the details involved in preparing the altar, the host etc. for a service of Holy Communion.

She suggests meeting at 10:30 for coffee, and anticipates that the session will finish 12:00 -12:30.

If you are interested in coming to this, please contact our church warden at [email protected]

2025-02-25 added by ALP

ZOOM online Compline Service

Wednesday 19 October 2022 at for 30 mins
Online, using the 'Zoom' app.
Online, using the 'Zoom' app.

During the lockdown period, we used ZOOM to worship together on Wednesday evenings with Compline at 8 pm. This proved very popular, so we decided to carry on post-lockdown.

Please contact Stuart Pugh on 07851 694 569 if you wish to be included. You will need internet access on a suitable device such as a tablet, PC or smartphone. A link to the service sheet is provided below.

View attachment

Every other Wednesday for the evening Compline