Holy Communion

for 1 hour
St Margaret's
St Margaret's, Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

On this the sixth Sunday after Trinity, our service of Holy Communion will be led by Benefice Rector Rev'd Rob Rees and Rev'd Dave Mapes. All are welcome. Members of other churches are welcome to receive Holy Communion and others are invited to come forward for a blessing.

2024-07-02 added by ALP.

Mothers' Union

Every Second Tuesday at for 30 mins
Different locations in South Wonston. Please check with Secretary.
Different locations in South Wonston. Please check with Secretary.

The Mother’s Union is a worldwide organisation which, underpinned by prayer and fundraising, aims to support people and families who need help, and campaign to improve their lives. The South Wonston Branch meets on a monthly basis (excluding August), usually on the second Tuesday. We welcome all who are interested in our work to support family life. You don't have to be a mum or even female!

Please contact Mrs Mary Cleal, email [email protected], for information regarding times and venues.

(2022-06-02 updated by ALP with content from MC.)


for 1 hour
St Margaret's
St Margaret's, Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

There will be no morning service at St Margaret's on this second Sunday of the month. However, there will be Evensong at 16:00 - please see separate event listing for that.

2024-03-16 ALP


for 45 mins
St Margaret's
St Margaret's, Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

This is a new event for St Margaret's, planned for the second Sunday of every month. It coincides with Sundays when there is no morning service. It will be BCP (Book of Common Prayer) Evening Prayer from Common Worship, and will be led either by Benefice Rector Rev'd Dr Rob Rees or Rev'd James Whymark. All are welcome.

2024-03-16 updated by ALP.

Benefice Service of Holy Communion for St Margaret's Patronal Festival

for 1 hour
St Margaret's
St Margaret's, Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

On this the eighth Sunday after Trinity, we celebrate the Feast of Saint Margaret of Antioch, our patron saint, starting with a Benefice Service of Holy Communion, led by Benefice Rector Rev'd Rob Rees, ordinand Claire Bentham and the Ministry Team. All are welcome, even if you have never attended at St Margaret's before. Members of other churches are welcome to receive Holy Communion and others are invited to come forward for a blessing.

For further information about related Patronal Festival events which follow this service, please see separate event listing.

2024-07-02 added by ALP.

Patronal Festival Buffet Lunch

for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Margaret's
St Margaret's, Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

Today we celebrate the Feast of Saint Margaret of Antioch, our patron saint.
The Festival starts with a Benefice Service of Holy Communion at 11:00. (Please see separate event listing for details of that.)

BRING & SHARE BUFFET LUNCH: This year, the Patronal Festival Lunch which follows the service will take the form of a Bring & Share Buffet Lunch. This will not be a sit-down lunch as such, but there will be plenty of tables and chairs for people to sit at if desired. Our social area (shared with the school) will be used for this event, but, weather permitting, we will be able to spill out into the school grounds adjoining the church facilities.

FLORAL DISPLAY: The theme deemed suitable for the Patronal Festival floral display this year is 'The Olympics'! If you feel like contributing a floral arrangement, this theme provides plenty of scope for good ideas, perhaps representing a country, an event or a person.

We see this occasion as a lovely opportunity to invite guests from other churches to stay after the service and enjoy our hospitality, so we extend a warm welcome to all. Further details will be provided by our church warden Melinda Samms shortly and updated here. Watch this space!

2024-07-02 added by ALP.

Tea, Cake & Chat

Every First Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Margaret's
St Margaret's, Downs Road South Wonston Winchester, SO21 3EH, United Kingdom

The Tea, Cake and Chat afternoons are open to all in the village, and beyond. They are usually held on the first Monday of the month in St Margaret’s, from 2.30 - 4.00 pm. Do come and bring a friend for a friendly afternoon and reasonable cup of tea, always with cake. There is no charge, but any monies collected (after deduction of expenses) go towards the upkeep of St Margaret's church building.

Contact Jane McQuoid on 01962 885434 for more details.

ZOOM online Compline Service

Wednesday 19 October 2022 at for 30 mins
Online, using the 'Zoom' app.
Online, using the 'Zoom' app.

During the lockdown period, we used ZOOM to worship together on Wednesday evenings with Compline at 8 pm. This proved very popular, so we decided to carry on post-lockdown.

Please contact Stuart Pugh on 07851 694 569 if you wish to be included. You will need internet access on a suitable device such as a tablet, PC or smartphone. A link to the service sheet is provided below.

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Every other Wednesday for the evening Compline