Bell Ringing Practice

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
All Saints, Barton Stacey
The Street Barton Stacey, SO21 3RT, United Kingdom

No experience necessary - please just come along if you would like to learn or join in. For more details please contact Nicola Plummer [email protected]

Sunday Services

Every Sunday at for 50 mins
All Saints, Barton Stacey
The Street Barton Stacey, SO21 3RT, United Kingdom

All are welcome. At Barton Stacey, there is a Family Service on the first Sunday of the month. There are Holy Communion services on the second and third Sundays, with Morning Prayer on the fourth Sunday. In a five-week month, a Benefice Service is held at All Hallows, Whitchurch.

This service is led by one of the Benefice Clergy. Morning Prayer may be led by one of the Readers.

Lent Group

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
All Saints, Barton Stacey
The Street Barton Stacey, SO21 3RT, United Kingdom

Come to a three-week course for an opportunity to discover the 3 great longings we all experience in our lives; the longing for hope, peace and purpose.

You will not be asked to read aloud, pray, sing or do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Session dates at 3 Beadon Meadow:
Thursday 13th March 7:30pm
Thursday 27th March 7:30pm
Thursday 3rd April 7:30 pm

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