Traditional Morning Worship

Every First, Second, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 45 mins
St Mary
Swan Street Kingsclere Newbury, RG20 5PJ, United Kingdom

We hope you encounter God at our 9:00 am Traditional service, where we follow the Church of England Common Worship Liturgy, and sing hymns played on the organ. We have a reading from the bible, a sermon, and pray for things locally and around the world. Prayer ministry is offered at the end of every service. Kingdom Kids runs most Sundays for primary school aged children. There is tea & coffee served afterwards.

Contemporary Morning Worship

Every First, Second, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary
Swan Street Kingsclere Newbury, RG20 5PJ, United Kingdom

At our 10:30 service we hope you'll encounter God through His Holy Spirit as we sing modern worship songs, and listen to a sermon on the bible reading for the week. Prayer ministry is offered at the end of every service. Kingdom Kids runs most Sundays for primary school aged children. There is tea & coffee served afterwards.

The Lighthouse

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Mary
Swan Street Kingsclere Newbury, RG20 5PJ, United Kingdom

Our group for pre-school children and their parents/carers meets each Wednesday in term time in the Kingsmill Room (on the side of St Mary's Church. We enjoy toys, activities, snacks and chat with a bible story and song during the session too. Please just pop along and meet us! There is no charge for the sessions.


Thursday Worship

Every Thursday at for 45 mins
St Mary
Swan Street Kingsclere Newbury, RG20 5PJ, United Kingdom

A small, traditional service held in the side chapel of the church, with hymns, a bible reading a reflection and prayers. Followed by refreshments in the main body of the church

Community Larder

Every Thursday at for 4 hours, 30 mins
St Mary
Swan Street Kingsclere Newbury, RG20 5PJ, United Kingdom

A scheme set up to help those in need locally with food. Donations welcome Thursdays 11.30-12.30. If you are in need of food or would just like to come along for refreshments, please pop in any Thursday 2.30-4pm. A bag of groceries is just £3, and then as much fresh produce as you like. All are welcome!

Traditional Holy Communion

Every Third Sunday at for 45 mins
St Mary
Swan Street Kingsclere Newbury, RG20 5PJ, United Kingdom

We hope you encounter God at our 9:00 am Traditional service, where we follow the Church of England Common Worship Liturgy, and sing hymns played on the organ. We have a reading from the bible, a sermon, and pray for things locally and around the world. On the third Sunday of every month we remember what Jesus Christ has done for us by taking Holy Communion. Prayer ministry is offered at the end of every service. Kingdom Kids runs most Sundays for primary school aged children. There is tea & coffee served afterwards.

Contemporary Holy Communion

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary
St Mary, Swan Street Kingsclere Newbury, RG20 5PJ, United Kingdom

At our 10:30 service we hope you'll encounter God through His Holy Spirit as we sing modern worship songs, and listen to a sermon on the bible reading for the week. On the third Sunday of every month we remember what Jesus Christ has done for us by taking Holy Communion. Prayer ministry is offered at the end of every service. Kingdom Kids runs most Sundays for primary school aged children. There is tea & coffee served afterwards.