Private Prayer in the Lady Chapel at St Johns, Hook

Every day at for 9 hours
St John the Evangelist, Hook
London Road, Hook, RG27 9EG, United Kingdom

The Lady Chapel is open EVERY DAY between 8.30am and 6pm.

Access to the Lady Chapel is via the door by the arch, and should be open even if the main doors are closed.

Our Churches & the Benefice Office are closed between Christmas and New Year (with the exception of the Sunday Service)

Friendship Cafe

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St John the Evangelist, Hook
London Road, Hook, RG27 9EG, United Kingdom

Join us in the coffee shop at St John's for friendship & fellowship

Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St John the Evangelist, Hook
London Road, Hook, RG27 9EG, United Kingdom

The 8:30am services rotates around the benefice. Once a month, it is at St John's.

Holy Communion

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St John the Evangelist, Hook
London Road, Hook, RG27 9EG, United Kingdom

On the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month we have a Holy Communion services with Junior Church (with a variety of different activities for the different ages).

Our normal Sunday Service at St John's is at 10am - but the type of service may vary:

The first Sunday is an all age Service (no-communion & family friendly) and on the 5th Sunday we join with other churches in the Benefice for a Benefice Service which may be in Hook or one of the other churches in the Benefice. See our website for details.

On the 3rd Sunday each month we have Morning Worship with Junior Church (with no Holy Communion).

Lunch Club

Every Second Tuesday at for 1 hour
St John the Evangelist, Hook
London Road, Hook, RG27 9EG, United Kingdom

St John's Lunch Club - 2nd Tuesday each month, book via the Benefice Office, £6 per person.

Midweek Worship

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St John the Evangelist, Hook
London Road, Hook, RG27 9EG, United Kingdom

We mainly meet weekly on Zoom, apart from typically the 1st Wednesday in the month where we meet in person at St John's, Hook. Check on the website for details as to whether it is via Zoom or in person. If you would like the Zoom link it is available on our website

Morning Worship

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St John the Evangelist, Hook
London Road, Hook, RG27 9EG, United Kingdom

On the third Sunday at St John's our service is a Morning Worship with Junior Church (with no Holy Communion).

Our normal Sunday Service at St John's is at 10am - but the type of service may vary:

The first Sunday is an all age Service (no-communion & family friendly) and on the 5th Sunday we join with other churches in the Benefice for a Benefice Service which may be in Hook or one of the other churches in the Benefice. See our website for details.

On the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month we have a Holy Communion services with Junior Church (with a variety of different activities for the different ages).

On the 3rd Sunday each month we have Morning Worship with Junior Church (with no Holy Communion).

This is followed by coffee.

Cake Sale

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 2 hours
St John the Evangelist, Hook
London Road, Hook, RG27 9EG, United Kingdom

On the first Saturday we usually have a cake sale, drop in have a coffee and buy cakes.

All Age Service

Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
St John the Evangelist, Hook
London Road, Hook, RG27 9EG, United Kingdom

at 10 am on the first Sunday each month, we have a family friendly all age service, followed by coffee

Messy Church

Friday 20 September 2024, Friday 18 October 2024, Friday 15 November 2024, Friday 13 December 2024 at for 1 hour, 45 mins
St John the Evangelist, Hook
London Road, Hook, RG27 9EG, United Kingdom

Messy fun for under 11s with their parent/carer - crafts, stories, songs and tea! Typically held after school on the 3rd Friday each month, although may be moved to fit within school terms. Come along after school and join us.