Facilities and features
Our Building
Music and Worship
Groups, Courses and Activities
First and Third Sunday afternoons from 4.30-6pm in St John's centre with pizza and activities. For year 9 (teens) and upwards.
Messy Church at St John's usually on the 3rd Friday each month, from 3:30 to 5:15 - but check the calendar for details.
Fingerprints is our toddler group for pre-school children and their carers held on Thursdays at St John's from 2 - 3:30, term time only. It is informal, no need to book - just drop in and join the fun!
Bumps & Babes is for parents to be and those with babies held on Wednesday mornings at St John's from 9-11, term time only. It is informal, no need to book - just drop in and join the fun!
Help for Visitors
We have a coffee shop at St John's, although it is currently open the first Saturday morning each month, or for specific groups which are using the facilities such as the Lunchclub or Friendship Cafe. Please see our website for details.
St John's is open daily for prayer in the Lady Chapel, and the Benefice Office is open on Monday-Friday mornings.
Other Features
Our Coffee shop stocks fairtrade food & drinks, and we have occasional sales of fairtrade goods (see our website for details)
You can book the Church Hall or the rooms in the Church Centre. Please contact the office for details.