Related Churches
Our churches are open for private prayer and gathered worship.
Mattingley church is one of three churches in the parish of Heckfield with Mattingley and Rotherwick which along with St John's, Hook make up the Whitewater Benefice serving the communites in North Hampshire just north of the M3. Our village churches offer a place of quiet for reflection and prayer whilst St John's, located in the busy village of Hook, is able to offer a coffee shop and other activites during the week for people to gather together.
From January 2023, our main service within the HMR parish is at 11am, and is usually in Mattingley on the 3rd Sunday each month. An 8:30am service rotates around the Benefice, and is usually in Mattingley on the 3rd Sunday each month. For more details of our services please see our website calendar or the service patterns page
For more information see our website
If you wish to speak with someone in regard to prayer requests or for personal assistance please contact us as follows:
Revd Marion de Quidt (Hook Rectory) 01256 763211
Be joyful in hope,
patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer. Romans 12: 12
Our church buildings are open for private prayer and gathered worship.
Rotherwick church is one of three churches in the parish of Heckfield with Mattingley and Rotherwick which along with St John's, Hook make up the Whitewater Benefice serving the communites in North Hampshire just north of the M3. Our village churches offer a place of quiet for reflection and prayer whilst St John's, located in the busy village of Hook, is able to offer a coffee shop and other activites during the week for people to gather together. There are many public footpaths locally and Rotherwick village is an ideal starting point for your explorations or a mid-way point on a longer walk.
From January 2023, our main service within the HMR parish is at 11am, and is usually in Rotherwick for Family Praise on the second Sunday each month. An 8:30am service rotates around the Benefice, and is usually in Rotherwick on the 2nd Sunday each month. For more details of our services please see our website calendar or the service patterns page
For more information see our website
If you wish to speak with someone in regard to prayer requests or for personal assistance please contact us as follows:
Revd Marion de Quidt (Hook Rectory) 01256 763211
Be joyful in hope,
patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer. Romans 12: 12
St John the Evangelist, Hook
St John the Evangelist is in the centre of Hook, in NE Hampshire. We are also known as St John's. For details see our website
We are a family friendly local church community, seeking to offer worship of all different types and at different times of the week, alongside serving the schools, nursing homes and wider villages around Hook. We have a strong music tradition, of both choral and contemporary styles. We enjoy learning together from God's word, and have home study groups. We run Messy church, lunch club, and toddler group.
We are open every week for Sunday worship (our main Sunday service is also shared via Zoom). We invite you to join us.
Please come back to ACNY, or to our website or on facebook @StJohnHook for updates. You will find all the details and latest news on the website each week - you can sign up to have our weekly notices emailed to you, or you can download from the home page on the website.
Location information
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Most churches are “Excepted Charities” and are therefore not registered with the Charity Commission. You can download a PDF that includes your church name, address and church code. This PDF, which is an extract from the Church of England’s database of churches, can serve as a certificate for churches requiring proof of their charity status when registering for online and card-based giving. Click on the download button below and log into your account. Once logged in, click on the download button and the certificate will be downloaded straight to your device. If you do not have an account, you can register here.