10am service (on-site and on-line)

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church Chineham
Reading Road Chineham Basingstoke, RG24 8LT, United Kingdom

Come and worship with us! We meet together on-site and on-line through our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristChurchChineham.

The service is informal, including Holy Communion about once a month, and every 5 or 6 weeks all ages stay together. Our service is supported by our worship band leading us in the best of contemporary songs. There are groups for children and young people of all ages from 0-16. Refreshments are served after giving everyone a chance to chat, ask questions, make friends and enjoy one another's company.

Midweek Service

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
Christ Church Chineham
Reading Road Chineham Basingstoke, RG24 8LT, United Kingdom

Our shorter and more traditional service, with prayers, hymns and a short talk or reflection, and including Holy Communion on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Refreshments are served afterwards.

Messy Easter

for 2 hours
Christ Church Chineham
Reading Road Chineham Basingstoke, RG24 8LT, United Kingdom

Join us for a meal followed by a time of crafts, activities and worship suitable for all ages. Click "more info" to book a place.

Seder Supper

for 2 hours
Christ Church Chineham
Reading Road Chineham Basingstoke, RG24 8LT, United Kingdom

The 'Last Supper' for Jesus and his friends was a Jewish Passover meal: the most important meal of the year. But Jesus gave it some very significant twists, thus confirming why he needed to die and rise again. The 'Seder Supper' is a re-creation of the Last Supper with the traditional dishes and 4 drinks, with reflections from Jonathan on the significance for Christians on the different parts of the meal. Booking is essential - click "more info" to sign up. Suggested donation of £7pp (waged) / £4 (unwaged) to be paid on the day.

An Hour at the Cross

for 2 hours
Christ Church Chineham
Reading Road Chineham Basingstoke, RG24 8LT, United Kingdom

A reflective service for Good Friday.

Easter Praise

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church Chineham
Reading Road Chineham Basingstoke, RG24 8LT, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion suitable for all ages.