Good Friday - 11am Walk of Witness

for 1 hour
Maidenhead St Andrew and St Mary Magdalene
St. Mary's Close, 14 High Street Maidenhead, SL6 1YY, United Kingdom

We join with other churches in a public procession through the town centre of Maidenhead, singing hymns and listening to the Passion story. Starting at Providence Place, outside Sainsbury's.

Maidenhead St Andrew and St Mary Magdalene

Get in touch

Jane Thrift

What's on

Good Friday - 11am Walk of Witness

for 1 hour
Maidenhead St Andrew and St Mary Magdalene
St. Mary's Close, 14 High Street Maidenhead, SL6 1YY, United Kingdom

We join with other churches in a public procession through the town centre of Maidenhead, singing hymns and listening to the Passion story. Starting at Providence Place, outside Sainsbury's.