Welcome to Basingstoke Foodbank<div>If you live in Popley and have been referred for a Foodbank voucher you can come along to St. Gabriel's for a free cuppa & chat whilst your food is being packed up. Centres will have face-to-face Citizens Advice, and Debt support information drop-ins.Basingstoke Foodbank @ POPLEY Every Friday 12.30 - 14.30</div>
Our Church is now open for private and individual prayer each day between 9.00am to 4pm.You are very welcome to come in for prayer, contemplation and reflection, and to enjoy the peace of the building.Full details of Sunday Services for the month are available on our website.We look forward to seeing you here.Please use the hand sanitiser available.While face coverings are no longer mandatory indoors, we encourage you to follow the government advice and wear one if you can.
The Church of England have a number of prayers to help those who are struggling to find words at this difficult and stressful time, and to enable Christians to worship in solidarity with one another even if it is not possible to gather in church. Please visit www.churchofengland.org