St Mary's Church, Bentworth

All are welcome at Saint Mary's, Bentworth, an Anglican church in the Diocese of Winchester and part of the Parish of Bentworth, Lasham, and Shalden (BLS). BLS is part of the Benfice of the Resurrection with the Parish of the Resurrection (POTR).

We always love to meet newcomers and visitors, so please come and join us in worship, or just visit our beautiful, historical building.

Please go to the "About us" tab on the left for Safeguarding information.

New website coming soon in the new year.

Get in touch

Philippa Penfold or Ellie Elder

Benefice of the Resurrection Office
All Saints Church Hall,
Queens Rd,

GU34 1HU
What's on

Weekday Morning Prayer on Facebook Live

Every day at for 30 mins
Facebook Live

An interactive live Morning Prayer service online, weekdays only

Weekdays Only

Notice for a Church Near You for BLS.pdf

St. Mary's, Bentworth welcomes you.

Please note that the general pattern of our worship is that there is a service at 10.00 am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.