Facilities and features


Accessible by taking stairs or on even ground when the vestry is open.

In the area surrounding the site of the old church and the existing War Memorial. There are up to 70 car parking spaces.

Under the organ down stairs. Flat access from outer door to the vestry when unlocked.

When there is a Service or Event, the West Door is normally unlocked and provides a flat access for those who find it difficult to walk and tackle steps.

Only switched on whilst Services are taking place

Our Building

The church, when not undergoing renovation, is normally open from mid-morning to mid-afternoon.

There is stained glass around the Altar area depicting the twelve apostles together with a carved Reredos of the last supper.

This church is "silver".

The church is Grade 2*.
The churchyard wall is Grade 2 in its own right.
The War Memorial is Grade 2 listed in its own right.

Music and Worship

We have 6 full circle ringing bells as well as a 1602 Tenor bell that is installed as a fixed Service Bell.

There are numerous concerts. The church has exceptionally good acoustics and hence we are a favourite concert venue. Candover Valley Choir, Vox Lucis and Vox Cordis (the later being a London Choir) all regularly perform at the church. An ad hoc concert given by Vox Lucis and Brassed Toffs was given in aid of Ukraine which raised in excess of £3k.
There is a removable carpeted stage that extends the chancel area and allows instrumental groups to perform. The stage is normally stored under the church in five sections.

An organ made for the church by Charles Martin of Oxford and installed before the consecration. There is also an electric Clavinova available for use as well as a battery operated keyboard for times of power cuts.

Candover Valley Choir meets here most Thursdays at 1945hrs. It gives concerts twice a year and sings at services of significance.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

There are tours of the church each year as part of the Winchester Heritage week. It is hoped to arrange a tower tour on a separate occasion.

There is a quality guide booklet available upon entry for which we humbly ask for a donation (£5 being the suggested amount).

Normally mid morning to mid afternoon unless the weather is inclement. However, whilst the Organ is being restored the church is closed outside scheduled events.
Please be aware that the church is opened by a group of local volunteers.
The West door is unlocked for Services and Concerts which allows level access by disabled folk.

Other Features

There is a looped system for hard of hearing which is switched on for Services.