
Our main Sunday Service is the Parish Mass at  9:15am but we are open other times as well.

Getting here

Your Parish Church welcomes you.

The main event each week is the Parish Mass at 09.15am on Sundays.
All ages and all sorts of people are welcome. There is a children's group in church and refreshments for everyone after the service.

Our Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Girl Guides and Brownies meet in the Church Institute across the road where there is also the Outwood Pre-School, the Mini-Monsters Toddler Group, Outwood Wives' Group, Paula's Dance Classes, Slimming Club, Outwood Singers Group, our weekly Community Drop-In. Rooms can be hired by other groups where we have availability - please contact the Church Institute Committee Secretary Tel. 01924 826220.

Please see other pages for more information.


Leeds Road,

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