These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Lent Course 2025 - Uninvited

Every Monday at for 1 hour
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St Michael's Church, East Ardsley
Church Lane East Ardsley Wakefield, WF3 2LJ, United Kingdom

This year for our annual Lent course we will be working through a six-session video Bible study featuring prayer, space for reflection, discussion, and a visual journey in the Holy Land. In Lysa's book, Uninvited, and the supporting study guide she digs deep into God's Word to help us identify the roots of rejection, overcome the damage past hurts can inflict on our relationships today, and fully grasp what it looks like to live loved.

Palm Sunday Service

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Michael's Church, East Ardsley
Church Lane East Ardsley Wakefield, WF3 2LJ, United Kingdom

In this service we remember and commemorate part of Christ’s own journey with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Service of healing and wholeness

for 1 hour
St Michael's Church, East Ardsley
Church Lane East Ardsley Wakefield, WF3 2LJ, United Kingdom

Healing, reconciliation and restoration are integral to the good news of Jesus Christ. For this reason prayer for individuals, focused through laying on of hands or anointing with oil, has a proper place within the public prayer of the Church. God’s gracious activity of healing is to be seen both as part of the proclaiming of the good news and as an outworking of the presence of the Spirit in the life of the Church.

Tenebrae Service

for 1 hour
St Michael's Church, East Ardsley
Church Lane East Ardsley Wakefield, WF3 2LJ, United Kingdom

A Tenebrae service or service of shadows and darkness is an ancient service which features a retelling of the passion narrative by candlelight, with each candle being extinguished after each successive reading, as a result of which we are gradually immersed into a physical setting of darkness, allowing us to reflect on Jesus’ suffering, the darkness that covered the land at His crucifixion, His separation from the Father, and the seriousness of our sin. All the elements of the service have deep spiritual and biblical meaning. The candles, darkness, and setting urge believers to meditate on Christ’s sacrificial death.

Maundy Thursday service with footwashing

for 1 hour
St Michael's Church, East Ardsley
Church Lane East Ardsley Wakefield, WF3 2LJ, United Kingdom

Maundy Thursday (from mandatum, ‘commandment’, because of the use of John 13.34 in the Antiphon) contains a rich complex of themes: humble Christian service expressed through Christ’s washing of his disciples’ feet, the institution of the Eucharist, the perfection of Christ’s loving obedience through the agony of Gethsemane.

Good Friday Service of the Last Hour

for 1 hour
St Michael's Church, East Ardsley
Church Lane East Ardsley Wakefield, WF3 2LJ, United Kingdom

In this service we keep a vigil in what is known as the Service of the Last Hour, recollecting Jesus' words ‘Could you not watch with me one hour?’ The Church will have been stripped of all decoration after our Maunday Thursday service. It continues bare and empty through Good Friday, which is a day without any formal liturgy: there can be no adequate way of recalling the being dead of the Son of God, other than silence and desolation. But within the silence there grows a sense of peace and completion, and then rising excitement as the Easter Vigil of Saturday draws near.

Easter Vigil Service

for 1 hour
St Michael's Church, East Ardsley
Church Lane East Ardsley Wakefield, WF3 2LJ, United Kingdom

The Easter Vigil, also called the Paschal Vigil, the Great Vigil of Easter, or Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil on the Holy Night of Easter is a liturgy held in traditional Christian churches as the first official celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus.

Easter Sunday Eucharist

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Michael's Church, East Ardsley
Church Lane East Ardsley Wakefield, WF3 2LJ, United Kingdom

Celebrating the high point of the Church's liturgical year as we join together to celebrate Christ's glorious resurrection. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!